Thanks for a great summer at Camp XL!
Check out the Herald article about Kidpalooza

There will be NO February Vacation Camp in 2022, due to staff shortages. We do plan to run April Camp as usual.

No habrá campamento de vacaciones en febrero debido a la escasez de personal. Planeamos realizar el campamento de abril como de costumbre.

Kidventure is full, and the waiting list is long, so registration has been closed.

Kidventure está lleno y la lista de espera es larga, por lo que el registro se ha cerrado.

Bain+2 is full, and the waiting list is long, so registration has been closed.

Bain+2 está lleno y la lista de espera es larga, por lo que el registro se ha cerrado.

Kidventure Flyer (1).jpg
Copy of Bain2 Flyer (1).jpg
Copy of Bain2 Flyer Spanish (1).jpg


Neighborhood Feel Makes Kidpalooza a Success!

-Cranston Herald

Read the Article Here


Full "STEM" Ahead at Camp XL

-Cranston Herald

Read the Article Here


New Director Brings Olympic Energy

-Cranston Herald


Read the Article Here

Garden 2017
Garden 2017

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Langevin Visit to Bain 4-12-17
Langevin Visit to Bain 4-12-17

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BAIN+2 and Mr. Shane
BAIN+2 and Mr. Shane

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Garden 2017
Garden 2017

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